Hi-Dee-Ho Folks.
Raining again in southern Kansas. It is that time of year, you know. We had a new roof put on last summer but have a leak already! I guess we will start the phone calling today to see what can be done to get that rectified. I'm sure the roofing company will come to our aid with no charge but you really never know for sure what guarantees you have. It seems more money goes out than you can ever count on.
Everyone these days is looking to save money in any way possible. Putting as much as they can "back for a rainy day." If you live in Kansas, Northern Oklahoma or Southern Nebraska you have a great chance to save on your grocery bill each month and either help build your nest egg or buy more and better foods for your family with those savings.
The Prairie Land Food program is designed to help families who need a boost by way of cutting food costs at a crucial time for Americans. All it takes is a little time each month, volunteered to help others or your community and you can save between 40% and 50% on some food items.
It is so easy, we've taken to enjoying the volunteer time as much as the savings. For every two hours of volunteer service we put in, we can buy around $40 to $50 dollars worth of groceries for $23.50 in Derby, KS. The amount paid is slightly different for different locations but we're talking a dollar or two, not five to ten dollars. For seniors, for families with several small children or anyone who needs to save on groceries their program is just the kick in the pants to get us moving! Your volunteer hours are worth a lot when you turn them into $$$ saved on groceries.
This month we redesigned a new web site for the local host site of Prairie Land Food and since my volunteer hours are as secretary for our Derby chapter too, we feel we are "giving back" and believe me, that makes us feel good. The economical nutritious foods add to our bottom line in savings each month too.
One of the meats in the April pack, the pulled pork is one of our favorites. We make sandwiches with bar-b-cue sauce or toss this meat into a casserole dish with onions, potatoes, carrots and cheese for a mouth watering treat. Very delicious! I have some great recipes for pulled pork and one of the best is using it in an omelette to replace sausage or ham.
We enjoy the food and the folks we've met through the Prairie Land Food program and hope to for many more years to come. This new blog is part of MY volunteer hours to qualify, by spreading the word about this great food program!
Ya'll have a great day.
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